The Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Poland are divided into two main groups: state (public) and private (non-public) institutions. These institutions are further divided into two main categories: academic and vocational institutions.
The academic category accommodates the authorization of at least one scientific or artistic discipline and conferment of scientific category A+, A or B+. The academic institution conducts first-cycle (bachelor’s degree) and second-cycle (master’s degree) studies or long-cycle studies. It may also provide education for doctoral students (PhD) too.
Vocational education does not accommodate the same conditions such as that of academic education. It may only provide education on a practical basis. A vocational-type institution conducts first- and second-cycle studies or long-cycle studies.
All types of HEIs are controlled by the Polish Accreditation Committee, which is an independent institution, acting to ensure and enhance the quality of education.
Below, we present the list of public and university-type non-public HEIs.