We have the pleasure to present you the educational offer of the University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (WSPA) which is the oldest non-public higher education institution in the region. Since the foundation of the school in 1998 we have been focused on teaching in-depth knowledge supported by a practical experience.
WSPA is committed to developing career related skills and offers numerous career opportunities for students: international short and long term mobility, Career Office, internships, work projects, cooperation with local and regional business partners, job fairs and business incubator for students as well as entrepreneurship program.
We offer also a variety of academic and cultural events such as international days, extracurricular courses and training, visiting professors and open lectures, visits at partner institutions; open debates and workshops, student conferences, cultural and artistic events.
WSPA enables students to develop international and intercultural skills and competencies through creating multicultural environment at the University and through international mobility of students and faculty.
We support all candidates and students in the matters regarding accommodation, immigration formalities, job opportunities and everything else that concerns student life from the moment they apply onwards