The Maria Grzegorzewska University established in 1922 is a university of 95-year-old teaching tradition. Among its biggest assets are highly qualified staff, diverse programs of study and improved conditions of studying (new premises as well as well good quality IT equipment). We provide a range of varied study opportunities including acquisition of respectful jobs which are highly demanded in the job market. Nowadays, we have approximately 7,000 students enrolled in both full-time and part-time study programmes. In addition, the University offers various postgraduate programmes which provide complementary qualifications in general and special education, as well as in other fields of social life.
Fields of study in Polish
- psychologia (Psychology)
- socjologia (Sociology)
- pedagogika (Pedagogy)
- pedagogika specjalna (Special Education)
- praca socjalna (Social Work)
- edukacja artystyczna (Artistic Education)
- interdyscyplinarne studia nad niepełnosprawnością (Interdisciplinary Disability Studies)