Candidates will be admitted according to the ranking list based on the results of the matriculation examination.
Number of points for the ranking is determined as the weighted average number of points corresponding to the matriculation examination in subjects specific to the field of study.
Astronomy graduates have extensive knowledge in the field of physics based on the foundation of mathematical and natural sciences. Students can understand a rigorous description of physical phenomena, use modern measurement equipment and technical diagnostic systems. They can collect, process, and transmit information. They are fluent in English at the B2 level of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and a specialist language in the physical sciences.
Employment opportunity:
The graduates are prepared to work in jobs related to the production, usage and maintenance of modern navigation technologies, the measurement and diagnostic technologies and communication technologies. They are prepared to work as well as in education – after finishing the teaching specialty, where they acquire full rights to teach physics after completing the second degree and obtaining a master’s degree. They have the competence necessary to operate and supervise equipment that requires basic knowledge of physics.