The Academy of Music in Cracow is one of the oldest music higher education units in Poland and in Europe. It was founded as a Conservatory by the Music Society in Kraków – an organization that came into being owing to the efforts of Duchess Marcelina Czartoryska and Władysław Żeleński in February 1888. The mission of the Academy of Music in Kraków – from the beginning of its existence (i.e. for over 120 years) – has been the education of musicians – humanists in a broad context of musical culture and art, in accordance with the motto: per academiam ad astra, through: teaching musical craftsmanship in a master – student relation, versatile development of gifts and talents,
teaching sensitivity to beauty, where tradition meets the contemporary, datum meets novum, the past meets the present, opening to various forms of cultural activity, including culture formation and development of artistic taste and of the ability to evaluate cultural phenomena.